2019-2020 Critical Needs Budgets

Better Transit Service

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Transportation Planner

Hire staff to manage transit programs$51,647
FY20 Frequent Transit Network (FTN) Routes (Funding Our Future Bus Routes)

Implementing service changes August 2019 for Frequent Transit Network (FTN) on key routes to increase transit service to a frequency of 15-minutes or better, Monday thru Saturday from 5 a.m. to midnight, and add new Sunday service$5,307,845
Project EngineerHire Staff for transit projects. 10-months of funding$109,398
Frequent Transit Network (FTN) Branding and OutreachFund branding and a public outreach process for the development of a high frequency bus network (FTN) that will establish new routes and service areas$100,000
Transportation EngineerHire Staff for transit projects. 10-months of funding$100,342
Civic Engagement Specialist Hire Engagement Specialist specifically for Funding Our Future projects. 10-months of funding$66,166
Transit Route Improvements$1,100,000
On Demand Ride Services$800,000

Greater Housing Opportunities

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Census CoordinatorHire a census coordinator to prepare for 2020 Census and help gain an accurate count. Census data determines federal affordable housing and community development funding to the City.$80,000

Shared Housing OpportunitiesThe Shared Housing Program looks to match up homeless roommates and provide case management and housing services to those who are at or below 40% AMI. Individuals served are currently homeless, including those who are couch surfing or doubling up.$100,000
Community Development Grant Coordination1 full-time position

Land Discounts & FinancingHousing Trust Fund$2,590,000
New House 20Expand pilot program to place the 20 highest users of emergency services into stable housing$250,000
Incentivized Rent Assistance ProgramFund an assistance program to stabilize low-income renters using best practices and an outcome-based approach, to help prevent homelessness$400,000
Service Model Program for Most Vulnerable PopulationsSupport and enhance pilot housing programs for individuals with mental illness and children experiencing homelessness$200,000

Community Land Trust

Expand the number of homes placed in Community Land Trust, a pilot program which permanently secures land to make single-family homes more affordable$500,000
Down Payment AssistanceIncrease funding and marketing for home ownership programs$300,000

Additional Planner

Hire one new planning position$107,332

Landlord Insurance PilotThis program is still being developed. The program will strive to provide assurances and incentives to landlords to encourage renting units to all income levels.$350,000
Build a More Equitable CityThis program is still being developed. The program will strive to reduce housing discrimination, provide low income households facing eviction with connections to legal resources to maintain housing.$300,000
Community Development Grant AdministratorFund administrative costs for Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) staff to create and manage Funding Our Future Housing programs. $99,408

Increased Neighborhood Safety

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Police Salary AdjustmentsSalary adjustments for step increases and higher ranked officers$542,000

New Police Officers
Hire and train 23 new police officers. The 23 new officers are part of the overall goal to recruit 50 total officers which was authorized by the City Council in 2017.$3,225,659

Additional Police PersonnelAdditional Hires to support police functions$858,136

Police Officer Equipment

New equipment & cost increase over previous years$609,720

Police SalarySalary needs for additional/ongoing police$2,927,496
Enhanced Body Camera InitiativeReplace cameras for all offices on a three-year cycle. Includes data storage, maintenance, and next generation cameras$512,578
Police Hybrid Sedan InitiativeApproximately 106 new hybrid sedans customized for law enforcement use each year, ongoing $4,050,000


Improved Street Conditions

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
19 Streets Crew EmployeesAdditional employees to staff second streets team$1,667,890
Additional Equipment Two trucks and other streets equipment$1,108,026

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