2020-2021 Critical Needs Budgets

Better Transit Service

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
FY21 Frequent Transit Network (FTN) Bus RoutesCOVID has reduced Frequent Transit Network (FTN) service on key bus routes. During this period of uncertainty, the goal is to retain operators so that when ridership increases again, service can resume to normal frequency levels (15-minutes or better, Monday thru Saturday from 5 a.m. to midnight, and Sunday service).$4,700,000
UTA Branding and OutreachFund branding and a public outreach process for collaborative projects with UTA.$100,000
Transit Route ImprovementsFund capital improvements associated with the Frequent Transit Network (FTN), including signal upgrades, ADA enhancements, bus stop improvements, first/last mile connections, etc.$1,067,000
Planner & Transit Planner

Continue to fund two staff members, one in the Planning Division and one in the Transportation Division, to manage transit programs and address transit-related zoning issues.$179,356
Project EngineerContinue to fund position focused on engineering tasks related to transportation and street projects.$132,153
Transportation EngineerContinue to fund Engineer focused on complete street transformations that combine bond reconstructions with FTN corridor infrastructure.$120,989
Civic Engagement Specialist Continue to fund Engagement Specialist specifically for Funding Our Future projects. $76,197

Greater Housing Opportunities

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Census CoordinatorContinue to fund a Census Coordinator for the 2020 Census and help gain an accurate count of our community. Census data determines federal affordable housing and community development funding to the City.$83,310

Community Development Grant CoordinatorContinue to fund a Community Development Grant Coordinator that manages all Funding Our Future housing programs.$98,963
Additional Planner

Continue to fund a planning position that manages housing-related zoning changes.$118,794

Shared Housing Opportunities ProgramThe Shared Housing Program looks to match up homeless roommates and provide case management and housing services to those who are at or below 40% AMI. Individuals served are currently homeless.$100,000
New House 20 ProgramContinue to fund program to place the 20 highest users of emergency services into stable housing.$250,000
Incentivized Rent Assistance Program (Transfer to Housing Fund)Continue to fund an assistance program to stabilize low-income renters using best practices and an outcome-based approach, to help prevent homelessness.$900,000
Service Model Program for Most Vulnerable Populations (Transfer to Housing Fund)Continue to support housing programs for individuals with mental illness and children experiencing homelessness.$200,000

Community Land Trust (Transfer to Housing Fund)

Expand the number of homes placed in Community Land Trust, a pilot program which permanently secures land to make single-family homes more affordable.$500,000
Marketing Home Ownership Programs (Transfer to Housing Fund)Fund marketing for home ownership programs.$300,000

Mortgage Assistance Program (Transfer to Housing Fund)Assist with mortgage payments to help individuals stay in their units. $500,000
Landlord Assurance ProgramWorks to mitigate perceived risks related to renting to low-income clients. Agency will recruit eligible landlords, provide tenant financial assistance, landlord financial assistance, and provide tenant education.$350,000
Landlord Tenant MediationProvide financial resources to avoid eviction, and where necessary, provide a mediator to assist clients through an eviction process. In all cases, case management will be provided.$300,000
Land Discounts & FinancingProvide low cost financial assistance to incentivize development and preservation of affordable housing within Salt Lake City.$2,590,000

Increased Neighborhood Safety

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Salt Lake City Police Department (SLCPD) Staff Ongoing partial funding for 63 total staff members: 50 SLCPD officers and civilian personnel who provide support in records, crime lab, social work, data analysis, etc.$8,749,563
Social Worker ProgramWhile this item was moved to Non-Departmental (from SLCPD), it is still for the Safety Need Area.$962,109


Improved Street Conditions

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
19 Streets Crew EmployeesContinue to fund employees to staff second streets crew.$2,353,031

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