2021-2022 Critical Needs Budgets

Better Transit Service

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
FY21 Frequent Transit Network (FTN) Bus RoutesImproved transit service for the Salt Lake City community.$4,700,000
UTA Branding and OutreachFund branding and a public outreach process for collaborative projects with UTA.$100,000
Transit Route ImprovementsFund capital improvements associated with the Frequent Transit Network (FTN), including signal upgrades, ADA enhancements, bus stop improvements, first/last mile connections, etc.$1,067,000
Planner & Transit Planner

Continue to fund two staff members, one in the Planning Division and one in the Transportation Division, to manage transit programs and address transit-related zoning issues.$179,356
Project EngineerContinue to fund position focused on engineering tasks related to transportation and street projects.$132,153
Transportation EngineerContinue to fund Engineer focused on complete street transformations that combine bond reconstructions with FTN corridor infrastructure.$120,989
Civic Engagement Specialist Continue to fund Engagement Specialist specifically for Funding Our Future projects. $76,197

Greater Housing Opportunities

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Census CoordinatorContinue to fund a Census Coordinator for the 2020 Census and help gain an accurate count of our community. Census data determines federal affordable housing and community development funding to the City.$83,310

Community Development Grant CoordinatorContinue to fund a Community Development Grant Coordinator that manages all Funding Our Future housing programs.$98,963
Additional Planner

Continue to fund a planning position that manages housing-related zoning changes.$118,794

Shared Housing Opportunities ProgramThe Shared Housing Program looks to match up homeless roommates and provide case management and housing services to those who are at or below 40% AMI. Individuals served are currently homeless.$100,000
New House 20 ProgramContinue to fund program to place the 20 highest users of emergency services into stable housing.$250,000
Incentivized Rent Assistance Program (Transfer to Housing Fund)Continue to fund an assistance program to stabilize low-income renters using best practices and an outcome-based approach, to help prevent homelessness.$900,000
Service Model Program for Most Vulnerable Populations (Transfer to Housing Fund)Continue to support housing programs for individuals with mental illness and children experiencing homelessness.$200,000

Community Land Trust (Transfer to Housing Fund)

Expand the number of homes placed in Community Land Trust, a pilot program which permanently secures land to make single-family homes more affordable.$500,000
Marketing Home Ownership Programs (Transfer to Housing Fund)Fund marketing for home ownership programs.$300,000

Mortgage Assistance Program (Transfer to Housing Fund)Assist with mortgage payments to help individuals stay in their units. $500,000
Landlord Assurance ProgramWorks to mitigate perceived risks related to renting to low-income clients. Agency will recruit eligible landlords, provide tenant financial assistance, landlord financial assistance, and provide tenant education.$350,000
Landlord Tenant MediationProvide financial resources to avoid eviction, and where necessary, provide a mediator to assist clients through an eviction process. In all cases, case management will be provided.$300,000
Land Discounts & FinancingProvide low cost financial assistance to incentivize development and preservation of affordable housing within Salt Lake City.$2,590,000

Increased Neighborhood Safety

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
Salt Lake City Police Department (SLCPD) Staff Ongoing partial funding for 63 total staff members: 50 SLCPD officers and civilian personnel who provide support in records, crime lab, social work, data analysis, etc.$8,749,563
Social Worker ProgramWhile this item was moved to Non-Departmental (from SLCPD), it is still for the Safety Need Area.$962,109


Improved Street Conditions

ProjectsProject DescriptionAdopted
19 Streets Crew EmployeesContinue to fund employees to staff second streets crew.$2,353,031

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