May 2022 Funding Our Future Update

May 26, 2022 – Salt Lake City’s budget season is in full swing! On May 3rd, Mayor Mendenhall proposed her FY 22-23 budget to the City Council. The Mayor proposed using Funding Our Future sales tax dollars on parks maintenance in addition to housing, transportation, streets and safety. The City Council has until June 30 to approve the recommendation, as well as the final budget.

 Learn more about the budget here (in English) or here (en Español) and read on for other Funding Our Future updates.


On May 25, Salt Lake City staff presented an update on Thriving in Place to the Salt Lake City Planning Commission. Thriving in Place is Salt Lake City’s anti-gentrification and displacement study, focused on finding creative ways to keep Salt Lakers in their housing and making the City a livable place for all.

Click here to watch the Planning Commission update and here for more background on the scope of the project.


The Salt Lake City Police Department is proposing a new civilian response team to handle non-emergency calls and services. The proposal is based on recommendations from the Racial Equity in Policing Commission and would add 20 civilians to the police force for victim advocacy, wellness checks, and event crowd control.

Click here to view Chief Mike Brown’s presentation on the proposal.


Salt Lake City is updating its Transportation Master Plan for the first time since 1996. During the first round of engagement, Salt Lakers said their top transportation priorities were sustainability, system reliability, safety, affordability, and equity. They also shared some big ideas they’d like to see implemented in the next master plan, including reconnecting east/west and adopting slow streets.

Let us know what you think about the transportation priorities and big ideas by viewing our StoryMap in English or Español.


Virginia Street, from South Temple to 11th Avenue, is one of many streets being reconstructed with Funding Our Future bond funds. While construction doesn’t begin until 2024, Salt Lake City is asking residents for feedback on Virginia Street to help guide future design choices.

Want to share your vision for the road? Take the survey here! For more information about 2022’s Funding Our Future street reconstruction projects, click here.


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