Parks Maintenance Dashboard

In June 2022, the Salt Lake City Council approved the use of Funding Our Future dollars for parks maintenance. Two million dollars was appropriated from Funding Our Future dollars to enhance maintenance of existing and new SLC public lands assets.

Parks Maintenance Update

(Updated 6/13/2023)


  • Jordan River Maintenance (Tree and debris removal)
  • Urban and Recreational Trail Maintenance
  • General Park Maintenance (New assets)
  • Park Fencing Repairs
  • ADA Sidewalk Repair (Cottonwood Park)
  • Pond Maintenance (Regional Athletic Complex)
  • Memorial House Flagstone Walkway Repair
  • Memory Grove Sidewalk and Stair Repair


Salt lake city cemetery irrigation wiring maintenance

Funding is being used to replace existing irrigation wiring that is aging. The wiring will be put in conduit to improve the wiring system.

parks asphalt resurfacing and repair

Funding is being used to repair the parking lots or roads at the following locations:

parks irrigation repair and improvements

Funding will be used at Hidden Hollow for pathway maintenance in the plaza & event area, upgrading irrigation, and lighting. Design is complete and project will be going out to bid in Winter 2023.


Funding our Future dollars were used to hire 8 full-time Park Rangers in 2023. The mission of the Park Rangers is to ensure our city parks and trails are welcoming, safe, and positive places for our diverse communities to enjoy.

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