July 30th, 2022 We hope you enjoyed a a safe and festive July! Between parades and laser light nights, Salt Lakers has been busy for the past few weeks. Salt Lake City has also been busy working towards our housing, safety, transit and streets goals.
Read on to learn how the Salt Lake City team spent July.
December 27, 2021 — December brings a time for reflection about 2021, as well opportunities for connection and rest. Salt Lake City government wishes everyone a happy and peaceful holiday season.
Read on for the latest Funding Our Future updates.
November 19, 2021 — November is Native American Heritage Month. Salt Lake City is built on the homelands of the Indigenous Peoples of this region, and we value and honor their stewardship of this land, and contributions to our community.
Read on for the latest Funding Our Future updates.
September 25, 2021 — Salt Lake City is built on the homelands of the Indigenous Peoples of this region, and we value and honor their stewardship of this land, and contributions to our community. Mayor Erin Mendenhall and the Salt Lake City Council issued a joint resolution proclaiming October 11th as Indigenous Peoples Day. Also, October has officially been declared Blind Equality Achievement Month in SLC.
Read on for the latest Funding Our Future updates.
September 20, 2021 — Earlier this month, Salt Lake City remembered September 11th. We honor those whose lives were lost and reflect on the acts of heroism and humanity in the hours, days and years that followed.
It is also Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15th – October 15th; additionally, September 14, 2021 was officially Support Latino Business Day in SLC. Together, let’s shop, support and spotlight the significant contributions of Latinx workers, entrepreneurs, and business owners to our local economy and the country! Read on for the latest Funding Our Future updates.
August 19, 2021 — August is Utah Pacific Island Heritage Month. Mayor Mendenhall also recently signed a proclamation declaring this month Pacific Islander Heritage Month in Salt Lake City. You can learn more here.
Despite recent rain storms, we continue to experience extreme drought. So it’s still critical to do your part to conserve water! Learn more about what actions you can take here.
Meanwhile, the final step in Salt Lake City’s annual budget process (a Truth in Taxation Hearing, which is a public hearing required by the State) happened on August 17th. The City used both a Judgement Levy and Property Tax Stabilization this year, which are both events that trigger a Truth in Taxation hearing. Read on for the latest Funding Our Future updates.
July 16, 2021 — July is a month filled with holidays recognizing the history of the United States and of Utah. With the heat we’re experiencing, be sure to stay cool and hydrated—please note that due to extreme drought and fire danger, personal fireworks and open burning are not permitted until further notice. And it’s more important than ever to do your part to conserve water, you can learn more here and here.
Meanwhile, the annual City budget was approved last month. This is just the beginning in terms of public engagement. Read on to learn more.
June 18, 2021 — June has many significant events happening. This Pride month included several celebrations and opportunities to learn and get involved to support the diverse LGBTQ+ community of Salt Lake City. The Mayor and City Council adopted a ceremonial resolution, accepted by the Executive Director of the Utah Pride Center, celebrating Pride Month. Additionally, Juneteenth (June 19) is a day commemorating the end of African American enslavement in the United States. This past year has seen our city and our country reckoning with long-standing issues of racial inequality. While the City and the community are working to address these issues, there is more work to be done. Finally, this month the annual City budget was approved. Read on to learn more.
May 17, 2021 — May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Salt Lake City is celebrating this month and beyond by honoring the stories, being informed, listening, elevating the voices and supporting the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Now more than ever, we stand united against racism and hate directed towards AAPI members of our community.
Additionally, this month the annual City budget process is continuing. Mayor Mendenhall presented her proposed budget on May 4th; you can watch the video here and read the entire budget here . The City Council will hold several budget discussions in May and June, which the public is welcome to attend. The first public hearing for the budget is tomorrow May 18th at 7 pm and the second hearing is on Tuesday June 1st at 7 pm. (more…)
April 20, 2021 — Spring is upon us! The weather is warming, construction season is coming, and the annual City budget process is kicking off . Mayor Mendenhall works with each City department to draft a recommended budget for the fiscal year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022). The Mayor then presents her recommended budget to the City Council. The Council will hold several discussions in May and June, which the public is welcome to attend. Stay tuned for Funding Our Future-specific budget items to come in the next few weeks. Learn the latest about different programs and projects, as well as ways to submit feedback, below. (more…)